Environmental Projects

Mon Jul 27 18:39:00 BRT 2020

Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park’s Forest Replacement Project- Goiás

Forest Replacement in the scope of Environmental Licensing aims at mitigating the vegetation suppression impacts for the construction of the Transmission Line.

The Forest Replacement Project in the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park consisted of recovering 94 hectares of degraded areas. Planting was carried out by means of direct sowing using agricultural implements, a technique that allows high density planting. In all, 18 tons of seeds, from 80 native species from the cerrado, were sown in the project.

The project in partnership with ICMBio was chosen as the best initiative to recover degraded areas at the VII World Conference on Ecological Restoration.

In addition to the environmental benefits, the project also brought social benefits, employing 65 families that had collected the seeds and that, at the end of the project, founded the standing cerrado association, which employs the same families, contributing to the development of the local community


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