
Mon Jul 27 19:53:00 BRT 2020

Ribeirinhos receive resources to maintain the economy

About 17 tons of food, fuel and tools were sent to supply the Cantinas das Reservas Extractivistas (Resex) da Terra do Meio, in Pará, in order to ensure the production and income generation of 500 riverside families in the context of the Covid -19 pandemic. The action took place between April 21 and May 7.

The action hopes to ensure that the beiradeiros (river bank dwellers), as the riverside people who live on the river banks in Terra do Meio are well-known, stay in their communities. Altamira, a reference municipality for this population, already accounts for 210 cases of Covid-19 and the only hospital that handles cases of medium and high complexity is almost full.

Food, fuel and tools were sent to supply the Cantinas da Terra do Meio | Lilo Clareto-ISA

The initiative was headed by the Cantinas da Terra do Meio Network,a social articulation of 13 resident associations of indigenous and traditional territories and family farming, which promotes the production and commercialization of products of the forest peoples. The Resex Rio Iriri Residents' Association (Amoreri) is responsible for the legal representation of the network, and ISA is part of the technical advisory. The supply was made possible by means of a donation from the company Evoltz, in a social articulation by the Origens Brasil® Network.

The goods followed hygiene protocols on the market and on vessels. The crew used masks and alcohol gel to avoid contamination during the transfer.

"The action of supplying the canteens will continue and it is pointed out as a priority by the riverside residents so that they do not need to come to the city." reiterates Francinaldo Lima, advisor to the associations.

The funds were sent to 12 canteens in the Resex Rio Xingu, Rio Iriri and Riozinho do Anfrísio, in time to serve extractivists and indigenous people at the end of the chestnut harvest. The Cantinas Chain is committed to buying 10,000 chestnut boxes, part of which is marketed to the Wickbold company and the remaining part to local markets.

With the input, communities organized by the canteen system will be able to prepare for the babassu crop in May and rubber crop, which starts in June. Brazil nuts, babassu and rubber make up a basket of 11 non-timber forest products that are transparently marketed with the guarantee of keeping the forest standing.

Marquinhos Xipaya with the straw basket full of Brazil nut husks, in the Semana do Extrativismo (Extractivism Week) | Lilo Clareto-ISA

The river bank dwellers are protagonists of this single social articulation that has brought production closer to communities with fairer markets, and, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, they have been searching for strategies to keep it working.

We are committed to organizing the shopping lists and sending the necessary supplies to guarantee the production at the Resex and to preventing the riverside people from coming to the city at this moment”, explains Edione Goveia, ISA advisor.

      Today there are 27 canteens, which are part of the Cantinas daTerra do Meio Network, covering a territory of more than eight million hectares. This social articulation includes the participation of 13 indigenous and riverside               associations, and each canteen manages its own working capital that enables the production and commercialization in a transparent and autonomous way.

       The Network also has eight mini plants for processing non-timber forest products, which, by means of technology and traditional knowledge, add more value to the products.


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