Social projects

Wed Sep 01 18:57:00 BRT 2021

SE Silves Substation receives the FM 200 Fire Detection and Fighting System

For Evoltz, ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance) practices are part of the company's core values ??and guide any decision-making process. Based on this purpose, Evoltz has been active in innovative projects that are linked to sustainable practices. For this reason, Evoltz has just installed the FM 200 Fire Detection and Fighting System at the SE Silves substation. The new technology was installed in July and is already in operation and aims to ensure the health and safety of employees and the company environment itself., since the system operates with a safe and non-toxic gas and with ZERO potential for degradation of the ozone layer (ODP), one of the main causes of global warming

Carried out in partnership with Fort Assessoria Empresarial, the project is a example that it is possible to guarantee operational excellence and efficiency with sustainability without neglecting the safety of employees.

Watch the vídeo:


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